Cyber Studio Solutions


When trying to ascertain the right agency for Social media marketing Sri Lanka, Web development, Web design, eCommerce or Digital marketing in Colombo,Sri Lanka,It is important to find a partner who will customize their solution, which will allow you to achieve the highest return on your investment.

Social media marketing

Social Media, today, is among the ‘best opportunities available’ to a brand for connecting with prospective consumers. Social media is the medium to socialize globally. These new media win the trust of consumers by connecting with them at a deeper level. Social media marketing is the new mantra for several brands since late. Marketers are taking note of many different social media opportunities and beginning to implement new social initiatives at a higher rate than ever before. Social media marketing and the businesses that utilize it have become more sophisticated. One cannot afford to have no presence on the social channels if the competitor is making waves with its products and services. The explosion of social media 

phenomenon is as mind boggling as that and the pace at which it is growing is maddening. Global companies have recognized social media marketing as a potential marketing platform, utilized them with innovations to power their advertising campaign with social media marketing. This paper discusses about the concepts of social media and social media marketing and other aspects like 1 the growth and benefits, role and relevance of social media in marketing, social media marketing strategies.

Cyber studio and its partners social media marketing services are focused on putting your company in a better position to tap into the two-way conversation naturally happening between you and your customers. Our services will design to showcase you where people are talking about you, the areas where you can best get involved, and the tactics you should use to help increase brand awareness.

Through our social media audit, competitive analysis, and custom-built interactive strategies, we’ll teach you how to take advantage of the social web and how to successfully drive visitors to your web properties.

Cyber studio solutions social media services include:

Social media marketing strategy

Do you have a social media or interactive marketing budget but aren’t sure where to start? We can assess your needs, outline opportunities, and prescribe specific actions for long-term social media success.


Implementation guidelines

Do you already know what you want to do with social media but need help navigating a complex and seemingly subjective landscape? We’ll work with you to ensure brand integrity, compliance with the different mediums, and best practices for future development and communication.


Software recommendations

If there are hundreds of SEO tools, there are thousands more social media tools due to the explosion of open source software and a larger audience. Finding tools to track performance, opportunities, management and more can be daunting. We can help narrow your choices based on budget, resources and environments.


Social media audit

This audit analyzes in depth your site’s presence across the various social networks and offers a strategy for ways to improve it. Not every site should have a place on Digg or Instagram, so we cater our suggestions to realistic options, including niche opportunities and relevant mainstream tactics.


Competitive analysis

Is your competition doing an incredible job with videos, blogs, linkbait, widgets or community building? We’ll identify their tactics, potential service providers and action alerts that you can start implementing to shake their hold on your industry.


Social profile creation

We will identify the social networks where you should be participating and where people are talking about you. We’ll also help you create and manage your own social media profiles to attract visitors and leverage the two-way conversation.

Blog design, setup and/or optimization

A blog that is not set up correctly won’t attract readers or yield the search engine benefits you need. We’ll work with you to find the best blogging platform for your needs, help you optimize your blog for success from the very beginning, and show you how to tweak it to make it more accessible to both users and the search engines.


Blog strategy development

We can work with you to create a blog strategy that carves a space for your corporate or personal brand in the greater blog community. This may include crafting ideas for blog posts, writing the posts themselves, showing you how to comment on other blogs to build awareness, and much more.


Community building strategy development

We’ll outline which communities are worth monitoring, what the competition is doing and how you can naturally enter these communities and form relationships. This strategy document will also show you how to identify the important conversations in your industry and when, how and whom to reach out to.


Community monitoring

Don’t have a team in-house to allocate community building to? We can monitor the communities important to you, track your brand or keywords across those, and proactively respond to both positive and negative mentions.


New hire reviews

Do you want to hire a brand evangelist, social media specialist or blogger but don’t know how to evaluate them? Let our team review the candidates to find the perfect fit for your company.


Web Development (PHP,
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Database Development

Responsive web development

CRM Solutions

Email marketing

Data Analytics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Social media marketing

Database Marketing

eCommerce Website Development

Online Video Marketing


for Corporate Digital Transformation

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